Installation of a Photovoltaic System on a Golf Course in Aloha (Nueva Andalucía - Marbella)

The installation of photovoltaic solar panels at the International Golf School in Nueva Andalucía (Marbella) was completed in 4 days to reduce their electrical consumption by 66%. Solar Self-Consumption carried out the photovoltaic installation using Solaredge and JA Solar. Their electricity expenses are now between 70% and 85%.

The panels are oriented to the south at an angle of approximately 30 degrees to maximize electricity generation.



29,43 kW

Villa with a power capacity of 13,164 kW.


Installation of a three-phase Solaredge inverter with a capacity of 33 kW...

JA Solar

Installation of 54 JA Solar panels with a capacity of 540 W each..

​Average savings of 82% on electricity consumption.

This results in a 95% reduction in bills.

​Do you want to save on your upcoming electricity bills?

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Solar Energy in Marbella: Efficiency and Sustainability in Urb. El Capricho.